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Nov. 6th Monday GU’ by Gu Yuanyuan

2017-11-28 10:43:53

The design is inspired by the encountering of Qiuci (an ancient state) during the journey to southern Xinjiang. Once in a while, in this ancient and mysterious land, the ancient Silk Road existed and run through the north, South, East and West, busy and prosperous. The designer seem to see the glory days in the cave painting of Qiuci and see the days when the East and the west ethnic economy, culture, art, religion blend together. “Encountering" collection is the designer's mind capture for the first time to meet Qiuci, and is dialogue and reporting to explore the East and West, ancient and modern in the modern context. This collection maintains the brand’s consistent succinct style, and also has continued the designer's consistent enthusiasm to develop the fabric. The main features of this season are the fixed fabric and dyed fabric and the light knitted fabric.

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